CE-5 Excrement, Exclamation Points, and The Tibando Syndrome.

Greetings. Dispassionate discussions about the UFO problem have become less and less commonplace, especially when involving people who embrace the 'woo,' the illogical, the ridiculous, the nonsensical. A case in point follows....

"When CSETI, CSETI Vancouver and all global CE-5 Groups are making contact and communicating with ETs!!" 

The above comment was left behind by a Facebook page called "CSETI Vancouver" on a recent article I posted on my Facebook blog platform. My response read as follows, and I quote, "Provide physical, tangible, falsifiable proof or evidence to support your declaration." Not an unreasonable response, but one that kicked off a ridiculous series of comments that led to nowhere, except to the wacko, batshit crazy world of CE-5. 

As the interaction continued, the comments coming from CSETI Vancouver continued to be emotional and subjective, complete with a plethora of rude rhetoric, embarrassing misspellings, and multiple exclamation points. I can only assume that an adult, measured, and dispassionate conversation is beyond the intellectual capabilities of the CSETI representative, who interestingly never used his/her proper name. No balls for it I suppose.  

Some of the remaining comments read as follows, and again, I quote:

CSETI Vancouver: "l can show you photographs but l suspect that you won't eccept them! So what prove do you require?" 

Yours truly: "Share the photographs, and provide all important information; equipment used, geographical location, weather conditions, all specifics."

CSETI Vancouver: "To all the naysayers who don't do their research and want physical incontrovertible proof, go and find it! It is a out there if you take the time to investigate instead of being skeptical just because you have not had any ETI encounters! There are photos of ETs and not just the Grey types but you have to researrch them. 

It is like saying you had sex with a woman but can you prove it? Did you take any photos of your sexual encounter? You get my ooint!!!

BTW, I am a healthy skeptic as well but l keep and open mind and l always investigate everything!!"

Yours truly: "You made the initial comment, the onus is squarely on you to provide proof and evidence to support your claim. You are welcome to do so."

CSETI Vancouver: "Here are some actual ETI photos, this I hope will get you to be less skeptical and put you on the path of doing your own research! BTW. These photos are copyrighted by me and it is the last time I do your homework for you!!"

The above image is what CSETI Vancouver ended up sharing, supposed evidence of alien visitation. I could have attended a science-fiction convention to see such laughable, amateurish content, but I was saved the trip. As I expected, no specific details were provided, none whatsoever, just an image. Talk about embarrassing. 

The link to the original Facebook blog posting is as follows: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/AkmP9d9N5YrHrH9g/?mibextid=qi2Omg 

The contact email for CSETI Vancouver is as follows: terrytibando@gmail.com 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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