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UFO Wackos Among Us.

Greetings. Every segment of human society has its share of "out of the ordinary" individuals. Such people can be, and often are, highly intelligent and insightful members of our society who simply think outside the box, having an ability to use their active imaginations in a logical, scientific, and measured manner. Occasionally though, others make their appearance, offering up statements that are somewhat less credible, which shine a light on their thought processes, or lack thereof. 

One of my groups on Facebook, entitled "Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: Bigotry and the Dearth of Evidence," recently received a membership request from an individual who left the following statement, and I quote: 

"The Aliens are here and have been here and I can prove it and our cowardly government knows this. They are stealing the Earth's free energy it naturally produces. A phenomenon called pieszoelectricty, Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials—such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA, and various proteins—in response to applied mechanical stress. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure and latent heat. I have the strongest current being produced directly under my property. God has helped me to learn all of this and has asked me to help him and help the human race. There is enough electrical current under my house to proved the world with free electrical energy for eternity. But the Aliens are gathering it and taking it to there own planets. It also produces a frequency capable of floating large objects hence the building of the pyramids and other large stone objects. The Aliens came here thousands of years ago to convince us to build the pyramids by telling us they were a way to get out physical bodies (flesh) to the heavens, the celestial stars. They had us line them up with the stars. We then put the bodies of our (humans) inside the tombs where they told us. The Pyramids were designed to gather the electrical current the earth produced from underneath the pyramids and once enough electrical current was held inside they would release it shooting it directly up to their own planets for their own use. In the process it would vaporize the human bodies and humans were made to believe that the bodies were transferred to heaven the celestial stars. Bullshit. The Aliens were stealing what God, the creator of heaven and earth had meant for humans, free energy world wide. Our government has been allowing this to happen because of fear of what will happen if we put our foot down and said no more. There would be a great Alien vs Alien vs human galaxy war. It's gonna happen very, very soon regardless because God has had enough. We the human race and our countries governments worldwide need to defend ourselves and ensure the survival of the human race and Gods green earth. The Aliens are preparing to eliminate the human race and take over earth for their own.

The frequency that is produced through this phenomenon pieszoelectricty is how the UFO'S operate. If we used this technology, our technology it would eliminate the use of fossil fuels worldwide. Clean transportation would give nature, trees, grasses everything that grows would consume the carbon monoxide and produced oxygen levels and sustain them at never before seen quantities. Human life age expectancy would double, sickness and disease would all but be eliminated.  

THE EARTH IS VERY, VERY CAPABLE OF PROVIDING CLEAN AND FREE TRANSPORTATION AND FREE ELECTRICAL ENERGY TO EVERY HOUSEHOLD AND BUSINESS WORLDWIDE FOR ETERNITY IF WE STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR WHAT IS OURS ALREADY. Please help me, please help God, spread this message as much and as far as you can in preparation for hell on earth is coming if we don't start to prepare. It's coming very, very soon regardless of how we react. Do this for God, your ancestors, your family fir generation to come, for you your family will benefit for eternity. PLEASE SHARE THIS FOR GOD AND FOR EVERYTHING GOOD YOU WISH TO SEE. I love you all and God bless." 

The comment, left behind by Ms. Kerry Rentschler of Columbia City, Indiana, speaks volumes, and not in a scientifically defensible way. Ms. Rentschler's comments are not a series of opinions, rather, the comments are a series of declarations, completely void of corroborating evidence. Typical for the UFO subculture, but not that uncommon for people who hold beliefs in what some refer to as "fringe topics." After all, some people believe in Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster without a shred of proof. Some people believe the Earth is flat, that Elvis Presley is alive and well, and that the Apollo Moon landings were faked. All nonsense, or in the cases of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, not proven valid or confirmed as reality as of yet. So it is not really that surprising that the UFO subculture has a thriving population of people who believe things that are simply untrue.  

If our species has arrived at a point in history where unsubstantiated claims are taken at face value without a shred of evidence, then the future is truly a bleak and depressing pathway to ponder. I might as well brazenly declare that the Earth is a rectangle, that green cows live on the Moon (Dave Scott might believe that one,) and that the Mutual UFO Network is an investigative organization. No proof is needed, right? Evidence is not necessary, correct? Everyone is telling the truth, nobody misidentifies anything they observe, nobody makes mistakes. Statements are evidence. Poppycock! 

"Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: Bigotry and the Dearth of Evidence" can be found on Facebook at

Thank you for the privilege of your time and indulgence. 


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