The Voices in Grusch's Head.

Greetings. David Charles Grusch. The name is familiar in UFO circles, infamous in some. 

Over 270 days have passed since Mr. Grusch testified before a congressional hearing on UAP (UFOs dammit!) and still no details, no tangible evidence, nothing but more talk and talk and talk. His veracity of his claims has not been determined, which leaves them floundering about in the land of opinion, but no matter. The UFO subculture strongly favors such content, with the necessity for physical evidence or documentation far, far in the background, if present at all. 

Mr. Grusch is closely associated with some characters who are themselves, less than credible and desirable. The yoga sensei Jeremy Corbell, the once credible George Knapp, whose journalistic integrity has flown the UFO coop, and a few other people who are part of the religious narrative now being pushed in the UFO subculture, and offered to congress and the public. Mr. Knapp and Mr. Corbell are certainly central figures in this entire scenario, which is exactly where they want to be situated. Their promotion of, and influence over the situation is a huge red flag, and speaks to their collective efforts to sensationalize the topic, for their own financial benefit. 

Now this does not necessarily mean that Mr. Grusch is lying, or attempting to misinform the public. The problem lies in that we just don't know. Without corroborating details and information, we cannot determine if Mr. Grusch is providing accurate information, or misleading information, or is unaware of the accuracy of the information he is offering to the public. Since Mr. Grusch stated that the information he offered to congress was given to him by other parties, we cannot, and should not, discount the possibility that he himself was lied to, which means that Mr. Grusch might be unknowingly misleading congress and the public. Mr. Grusch may be a patsy, plain and simple. 

When and if such specific details and information surfaces, we will finally be able to determine if Mr. Grusch's statements are valid or full of nonsensical excrement. Until that day comes to pass, we should exercise extreme caution as it pertains to Mr. Grusch, his claims, and his associates. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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