Self-Examination Vs. Excrement.

Greetings. Self-examination. The process of taking an honest look at one's own belief structures in an attempt to consider other points of view, other concepts, other possibilities. 

Such an effort can pay dividends, especially when new information has come to light which may or may not confirm any prior positions and/or conclusions. The ability to maintain a level of pliability and a willingness to consider other conclusions is something that often does not occur, in many different fields of study. Scientists and laypeople alike are guilty of such inflexibility, which holds back the process of advancement and the acceptance of new knowledge. The long history of scientific research bears that out, with new ideas, concepts, and theories only being accepted after the old generations pass away, leaving new generations to take up the baton of scientific advancement. The situation holds in all fields of study, including of course, the UFO "field." 

Now comes the excrement. A substantial percentage of UFO laypeople, enthusiasts, researchers, and personalities all adhere to their beliefs and positions with all the stubbornness of an African wildebeest. Such dogged inflexibility is a primary reason why historical UFO cases that have been debunked and shown to be hoaxes continue to be embraced by the masses. No UFO case ever dies, never. Cases like the Aurora, Texas case, which has no non-terrestrial physical evidence to speak of, and more red flags than a military parade in Red China, continue to live on, no matter what the evidence, or lack thereof demonstrates. 

The Aztec, New Mexico case is another example, with a few others of historical note; Del Rio, Maury Island, and the dreaded San Augustin. Hoaxes all, legends all, never to perish. The graveyard of historical UFO cases is empty, and that speaks volumes about the critical thinking skills of the UFO subculture, including many so-called "researchers." Some authors seem very comfortable writing about and supporting the validity of historical hoaxes, despite what the evidence shows. Talk about a lack of professional integrity. 

Perhaps, if the UFO "field" would stop embracing invalid excrement, then it could apply all its available resources to cases that are robust, cases that feature some tangible, physical evidence, cases that are far more deserving of examination and investigation. Perhaps, but there are books to sell, and merchandise to promote, so such a change of course will likely not occur. That is a shame, and a loss for all parties involved. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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