How to Defeat the UFO Business.

Greetings. The UFO subculture is a business. Plain and simple. 

My friend Chris George Zuger uttered that statement a few weeks ago on "The Malliard Report," and I cannot agree more with his sentiments. The UFO "field" is all about self-promotion and the selling of product and merchandise. There are some outstanding people involved in actively researching the UFO problem, but those people are about as rare in today's environment as a live thylacine in the highlands of Tasmania. Rare indeed. 

The UFO problem is certainly worthy of legitimate scientific examination, with skeptical people like Carl Sagan and Philip J. Klass having made the same declaration in the past. But, is the UFO problem receiving the investigative treatment it so richly deserves? Absolutely not. What the public is exposed to is a never-ending flood of false promises, misinformation, unsubstantiated claims, and a healthy dose of capitalism at its finest. The focus of virtually the entire UFO subculture is on such nonsense, and not on actually investigating the UFO problem.  The celebrities and personalities in the UFO arena don't seem to care about UFO investigations, or about solving the issue at hand, and if they do care, their actions speak loudly and otherwise. The fault lies with all the parties involved; celebrities, personalities, and their fans. 

However, all is not lost, the situation can be changed, and for the better. It is not too late, for the UFO ship has not completely gone out to sea. How? Well, I do have a few simple ideas: 

1. Support organizations that conduct legitimate investigative efforts. 

2. Push away from the woo, the nonsense, and the sensationalized. (Dave Scott, Steven Greer, Jimmy Church, George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, Jaime Maussan, Linda Moulton Howe, among others.)

3. Support and embrace researchers and organizations that don't ask for donations or require memberships to gain access to UFO sighting report data and information. (Project1947, Expanding Frontiers Research, The National UFO Historical Records Center, The San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization.)

4. Avoid people that have lied about their work records, have less than desirable backgrounds, or have criminal records. (Nick Pope, Richard Doty, the late Wendell Stevens.) 

5. Recognize UFO events for what they are, money-making endeavors, not conferences for the discussion of investigative research. 

6. Avoid anything and everything associated with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON.)

Some highly reliable, dedicated, and professional individuals and organizations are available at the following sites: 

Project1947 at

Expanding Frontiers Research at

The National UFO Historical Records Center at

The San Antonio Aerial Phenomena Research Organization at

All the aforementioned organizations maintain a high level of professionalism, and are completely unlike the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON,) which has lost any integrity or legitimacy it may have possessed decades ago. All the aforementioned organizations are non-profit entities and are completely open, their activities and information available for public scrutiny. If each of us makes the effort to embrace such organizations, and the dedicated persons who work tirelessly behind the scenes on the UFO problem, the entire UFO subculture can be changed for the better. If not, then all is lost, and we might as well get our "Spaced Out Radio" tattoos and flush our integrity down the ufological toilet.  

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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