Aliens on the Cranium.

Greetings. Aliens on the brain. 

The general public loves aliens, not the 1986 science-fiction movie starring Sigourney Weaver, but the little green men that so many people around the world firmly believe have visited the planet and anally probed unsuspecting humans, some on multiple occasions. There are alien movies, UFO festivals, alien themed television shows, and "just a few" examples of alien merchandise; alien t-shirts, alien bumper stickers, and most disturbingly, alien condoms. The public's fascination with aliens began long before the modern history of the UFO phenomenon kicked off during the Second World War, perhaps beginning with the claims of the late Percival Lowell; that the planet Mars was the home of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, an alien society that had built canals all across the Martian surface. So in a strange way, aliens came far before UFOs, and had their own special place in society well before the foo fighters (not the rock band) arrived on the scene during the European theatre in World War II. Once the UFO phenomenon began in earnest, people made the connection between aliens and UFOs, an "at the hip attachment" that has become unassailable and is permanently a part of the UFO mythology. 

Name any well-known historical UFO case, and the UFO subculture embraces the alien explanation no matter what the evidence may suggest, in fact, the belief in aliens is so deeply ingrained that some UFO people will believe the alien explanation even if a case has been completely debunked by the efforts of independent researchers. The Aztec and Aurora hoaxes come to mind. No other explanations are discussed or considered, which leaves the erroneous suggestion that the extraterrestrial potentiality is the only one that holds any water. Untrue. Many a historical UFO case has multiple possible answers, many possible explanations, not just aliens. In fact, no evidence of extraterrestrials has ever come to light, an undeniable fact that UFO authors, investigators, and researchers are not comfortable admitting to. As the 20th century continued to unfold, aliens became the focus of Hollywood producers, featured in movies and television serials, usually portrayed as a threat to humanity's existence. Classic movies like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and "The Thing From Another World" kept malevolent aliens at the forefront of the public's mind, with financial gain a consistent influence on the fictional on-screen efforts. As the century came to a conclusion, shows like "The X-Files" renewed the interest in aliens and their ufological comrades, UFOs, with the flame of interest staying brightly lit well into the 21st century. 

Nowadays, there are UFO celebrities and personalities, which are nothing really new, the late George Adamski was one back in the 1950's and 1960's, but now such people are far more commonplace in the UFO subculture, making their own contributions to the UFO mythology. Instead of focusing on more grounded, data-based beliefs about aliens, today's UFO subculture is all about entertaining beliefs that have absolutely nothing to do with defensible positions. The less data, the better. Proof and evidence are not necessary. Disinformation, misinformation, and fake news are all that truly matters, not valid, accurate information. Richard Doty is believed, Bob Lazar is a celebrity, and Dave Scott is the face of the excrement filled broadcast industry, with George Noory and Jimmy Church coming in a close second. The "woo" rules the day, and will likely never step down from its lofty theological throne.

I can imagine aliens looking down on our society from outer space and thinking to themselves, "What a warlike, illogical, backward, self-destructive species of mammal. Let's not land on that planet." Aliens would be wise to pursue such a logical course of action. 

Need an example of where the human species stands as it pertains to the belief in aliens? Mr. Daniel Alan Jones is one of the featured speakers at the upcoming MUFON International Symposium. Embarrassing. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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