Some Accurate Assessments, and some Revealing Missteps.

Greetings. "You may have a point, but it gets lost in your misanthropic tone and lack of any sources. You often attack people, but you never cite verifiable evidence. The subject of this current piece and many others is You. A summary of this piece could be “everybody else’s work is bad, so look at me.”

Stop being a curmudgeon, and if you are going to smear people for clicks on your blog, include a works cited section."

The words of one Robbie Manfredi, a gentleman who I have never heard of, nor interacted with. Despite that, I found his comment worthy of consideration and examination. Off we go.... 

Mr. Manfredi is of the opinion that I have a misanthropic tone to my writing. His assessment is accurate in many ways. I don't have a high tolerance for ignorance or unprofessional conduct, nor do I hold any punches back, no matter the subject of the particular blog posting. Mr. Manfredi is also of the opinion that I am a curmudgeon, an ill-tempered person. Agreed, I am certainly that, so his assessment is again, accurate in many ways.

Now to address Mr. Manfredi's missteps. I am alleged to have attacked people. Incorrect. I have harshly criticized some people in the UFO subculture, perhaps not harshly enough, but I have never attacked anyone, nor have I engaged in slander or personal character assassinations. If that was the case, criminal charges would have been aimed in my direction. That has never transpired. The term "attacked" is often thrown around by some people, usually in a clumsily inaccurate manner. Harsh criticism is not an attack, it is a critical assessment of potentially unprofessional behavior. Period. Mr. Manfredi also states that I don't cite verifiable evidence. My writings are not research related, they are opinion pieces and nothing more, so I am not mandated to provide verifiable evidence. The situation would be completely different if I was composing a research summary of a field investigation, or a scientific peer reviewed paper based on the findings of a legitimate investigative effort. My writings are not that, nor should they be misconstrued as such, for that would be disrespectful to anyone conducting investigations into the UFO problem, or any other topic of scientific study. 

Mr. Manfredi also states, and I quote: "everybody else's work is bad, so look at me." Incorrect. If someone does not like my writings or opinions, they are certainly welcome to not read them. If I was attempting to gain some fame or notoriety, I would write a book, begin making the rounds on the UFO circuit, make multiple appearances on every show under the UFO sun, and make up a completely unsubstantiated story about my alleged experiences with UFOs and extraterrestrials. If I was attempting to gain some fame or notoriety, I would make the decision to abandon my personal and professional integrity, and wholeheartedly embrace everyone and everything in the UFO subculture. That is the quickest way for find favor in the eyes of many, just ask any UFO personality. I would never pursue that rebarbative course of action. 

To be brutally honest, I found Mr. Manfredi's comments interesting and quite humorous in nature. I smiled as soon as I read them, and I am still finding humor in them as of this writing. It's hilarious that a person who has accused me of attacks and smear tactics, would conduct themselves in the exact same manner. It truly speaks volumes. 

Call me strange, or call me a gentleman, but I won't return the favor.  

Thank you for your support and indulgence. 


  1. Nice response— “Harsh criticism is not an attack”. 👏🏼

    1. Absolutely Sir. I have been harshly criticized many times, and I take the comments in stride as someone's opinions, and not an attack.


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