A Nonexistent Threat, or an Attempt at Sensationalism?

Greetings. The UFO topic has a lengthy mythology firmly attached to it; myths, legends, and stories that have become entrenched as established fact as the decades have gone by. How has this influenced the UFO subculture? 

Two of today's best known UFO personalities, George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell, have become the spokespersons that most consistently tout the idea that UFOs are a threat to humanity. They push the belief during the course of every event they appear at, in every interview they conduct or participate in, and on their own highly produced program, all without a shred of tangible evidence to support their sensational claims. Now if Mr. Knapp or Mr. Corbell could produce some tangible evidence to support the alleged threat potentiality, then the idea would obviously become far more believable, far more defensible, so time will tell what the future holds. However, we can look at what historical information we do have which may, or may not, suggest such a threatening hypothetical. 

Has there been a military attack, or a frontal confrontation in the history of the UFO phenomenon? No, there hasn't. Have any alleged events occurred that can be looked at as presenting national security problems? Yes, there have been a few, but none were characterized by any direct interactions between terrestrial and unidentified parties. Do any historical UFO cases suggest any level of malevolent intentions directed towards our species by non-terrestrial intelligences? To my skeptical way of thinking, no, but that does not necessarily mean that it is not a possibility, albeit an unlikely one. Due to the fact that we have not definitively proven the possibility that we have been visited by time travelers, or extraterrestrials, or multidimensional visitors, we cannot therefore assume that we are being threatened by them, or by anything else other than our own collective ignorance and societal immaturity. 

When UFOs are observed over a military installation, does that necessarily mean that aliens, or some other unidentified intelligent species, are threatening our collective safety? Absolutely not. Since the unknowns are UFOs, they are by definition unidentified, and as a result, they may not be anything alien, or extraordinary at all. Such mundane possibilities are likely not a direct threat at all, but are simply seen as such by biased observers. We must keep in mind that military personnel are trained to process information and make decisions in military terms, with potential threats to security being one of the ideas that initially come to the forefront. The Lakenheath/Bentwaters radar/visual event from August 13th & 14th of 1956 immediately comes to mind, with the Malmstrom A.F.B. event from the 16th of March back in 1967 being another outstanding historical example. Of course, we cannot forget the Rendlesham Forest events from late December of 1980, a series of events that have been talked about, written about, and investigated on "only a few" occasions. Various mundane phenomena can be misidentified and assigned as being threatening, without having been proven so. It has happened before, it will happen again. 

Taking a far less militaristic approach to the threat potentiality, are such myths, stories, and unsubstantiated possibilities being kept in the public eye for the purposes of some financial gain. In my humble opinion, absolutely. George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, and some other well-known figures in the UFO subculture have been, and are continuing to actively promote the threat potentiality, and are doing so without any foreseeable pause or recess. The result of this sustained and sensationalized rhetoric is that a certain (large??) percentage of the UFO subculture, and by extension, the public at large, has bought into the idea of a direct non-terrestrial threat to the continued existence of the human species. Hook, line, and sinker.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


  1. I think the take that the phenomena is a threat to humanity may have had a boost from David Grusch’s claims that he has information about malevolent encounters. We are waiting for evidence.

    1. That is the key. Evidence, physical and tangible evidence.


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