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Where Have all the Robust Cases Gone?

Greetings. Any cursory examination of the UFO phenomenon reveals that the decades long history of the topic is peppered with robust historical cases. Some of the names are familiar; Roswell, Socorro, Cash/Landrum, Dexter/Hillsdale, etc.... Some of the robust cases are not well known to the UFO subculture but those cases are on the books, known to the most dedicated archivists, researchers, and investigators working on the UFO problem. However, in today's UFO world, we don't seem to have robust, multiple witness sighting reports coming in. Why? Where have all the robust cases gone? In decades past, civilian UFO organizations used to collect sighting reports, which was a logical and necessary course of action, since there were no other avenues available to witnesses. APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization,) NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena,) and MUFON (Mutual UFO Network,) among many other smaller operations, encouraged the reporting of UFO sight
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